re: Titanic - North Shore Music Theater
Posted by: crewbway 09:33 pm EST 11/11/24
In reply to: re: Titanic - North Shore Music Theater - Chromolume 09:06 pm EST 11/11/24

The storytelling moved very quickly...especially in the second act. There were 2 overhead areas where scenes were done so the story just moved along. A few screens around the theater revealed the date and time as well as a sketch of the ship that showing it filling with water. The scene when the lifeboat departs was very moving. Orchestra was very good although I did miss a large orchestra.

For anyone who knows any facts behind the was mentioned by the second in command (forgot his name) that if he steered the ship straight into the iceberg, there would have only been damage to the front of the boat and less lives lost. Would that have been the case? And...we were wondering..did the Captain really shoot himself or was that fabricated? I think in the movie Titanic someone shot themselves rather than drowning (don't remember anymore)?? Also, was the other ship (the California) really close by but the telegraph operator had signed off for the night? Thanks!

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