re: The statement literally starts with “I deeply apologize…”
Posted by: Delvino 03:32 pm EST 11/09/24
In reply to: The statement literally starts with “I deeply apologize…” - theaterislife 07:26 am EST 11/09/24

It's more than the cloned hat. Her liking the RFKII - Tucker Carlson post is what sealed this deal. I don't think this board is the place to explain why that offended many, but there's little question that her obvious investment in the behavior of toxic people central to the historic event this week is beyond her personal expression of faith.

Previous: re: The statement literally starts with “I deeply apologize…” - bsturtle 01:32 pm EST 11/11/24
Next: re: The statement literally starts with “I deeply apologize…” - Chatty2007 02:46 pm EST 11/09/24

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