re: The statement literally starts with “I deeply apologize…”
Posted by: Singapore/Fling 12:44 pm EST 11/09/24
In reply to: The statement literally starts with “I deeply apologize…” - theaterislife 07:26 am EST 11/09/24

For your argument to work, Nicole must be so naïve that she does not recognize a hat as being a reworking of the iconic MAGA symbol, and her enthusiastic embrace of that hat must be happening inside a complete lack of knowledge about the past eight years. That absolutely strains credulity.

Previous: re: The statement literally starts with “I deeply apologize…” - Roman 02:00 pm EST 11/09/24
Next: re: The statement literally starts with “I deeply apologize…” - Roman 08:29 am EST 11/09/24

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