re: The statement literally starts with “I deeply apologize…”
Posted by: theaterislife 11:17 am EST 11/09/24
In reply to: re: The statement literally starts with “I deeply apologize…” - MockingbirdGirl 11:09 am EST 11/09/24

So what's your point? LOL. Whether there is a formal, organized boycott or a bunch of people making individual choices to boycott, my view of the situation stands. If you disagree with me that's totally fine and expected in difficult times like these when we are all struggling to make sense of the situation, but why try to school me on the word boycott when I didn't bring it up to begin with?

Previous: re: The statement literally starts with “I deeply apologize…” - MockingbirdGirl 11:09 am EST 11/09/24
Next: re: The statement literally starts with “I deeply apologize…” - seenenuf 09:48 pm EST 11/09/24

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