re: Yup, her awards season ended early.
Last Edit: Delvino 10:24 am EST 11/08/24
Posted by: Delvino 10:23 am EST 11/08/24
In reply to: re: Yup, her awards season ended early. - Zelgo 11:51 pm EST 11/07/24

My first reaction to the hat trick was precisely that: she was appropriating a neo-fascist souvenir for personal declaration - um, a kind of spiritual irony? - not investing in the original messaging. But the Tucker Carlson thing, how can anyone dismiss it as naivete?

Previous: re: Yup, her awards season ended early. - Zelgo 11:51 pm EST 11/07/24
Next: What's the shortest running play to win an acting Tony? - bobby2 10:13 pm EST 11/07/24

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