re: latest word on a follies film?
Posted by: champagnesalesman 06:04 pm EST 11/05/24
In reply to: re: latest word on a follies film? - BudApp935 04:28 pm EST 11/05/24

A Dominic Cooke film version of FOLLIES was announced in 2021 and there was a blurb about it as recently as August..IMDB lists it as pre production(which doesn't always mean it will happen)
In the original script the 4 leads are around 50..the script says Sally is 49 and Ben is 53...But 50 looked old then. You could easily cast a quartet of 60 somethings in the four leads, playing 50(the other roles can always be cast all over the age map)
Or you could make the 4 lead characters 60 instead of 50 and cast 70 somethings like Streep,Close,Kathy Bates(Hattie), Midler etc. The reunion could be taking place in 1981 instead of 1971 so 1941 is still when the flashbacks happen. Makes more sense than the current SUNSET which makes Norma 40 but in 1950 which would mean her silent films now were at their peak after talkies happened.
Cooke is British so we may get a Brit heavy cast if this happens...Julie Walters would be a great Stella Deems.

Previous: re: latest word on a follies film? - BudApp935 04:28 pm EST 11/05/24
Next: Dominic Cooke Is no stranger To the follies material - sc2 07:39 pm EST 11/05/24

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