I get streaming but not vinyl
Last Edit: dramedy 01:54 pm EDT 10/26/24
Posted by: dramedy 01:48 pm EDT 10/26/24
In reply to: re: So it's available for streaming and on vinyl, but no CD? (nm) - jjhbb340 10:14 am EDT 10/26/24

Vinyl is a more expensive production cost than cds. It is hard to believe that there is a bigger market for vinyl vs cd in theater collectors. I got rid of my record player around 22 years ago. Streaming makes sense since it’s free to distribute. But if you are already pressing vinyl with jacket content, how much more cost to do cd with booklet.

But I’ve cut back on cd purchases. I can get many cast albums on free services (YouTube, hoopla, Spotify). I listen to them a half dozen times and usually lose interest. If I really like it after that, I consider buying the cd especially since I’m not always sure these downloads will exist for ever. But my guess is they will and I’ll just stream more and more. I figured out how to stream on phone and send to stereo (Bluetooth) which was a game changer for streaming for me.

Previous: Wow, vinyl outsell CDs - dramedy 01:58 pm EDT 10/26/24
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