re: Ready for her Close-up: Nicole Scherzinger says Glenn sent her 'beautiful roses' for her 'Sunset' opening
Posted by: Delvino 01:44 pm EDT 10/26/24
In reply to: re: Ready for her Close-up: Nicole Scherzinger says Glenn sent her 'beautiful roses' for her 'Sunset' opening - tandelor 01:25 pm EDT 10/25/24

I saw the show Wednesday afternoon, and I was gobsmacked by many aspects, but in particular how score-forward the production is. It's treated with near reverence, the orchestra a lush wall of gorgeous sound that for once makes heavy amplification boldly theatrical and immediate. The same technique in Doll House - the ability to hear whispering and even breathing - somehow only creates genuine intimacy, not artiface. And when Scherzinger brings her rangy, mutable instrument to the Norma material, she's far more than a pop belter having a go at showcase songs. She's inside the music. Some have complained that the tempi are too slow, markedly different from the known Close recording. But Scherzinger isn't indulgent, and the slower pace contributes emotional color, not attenuated crescendos for effect. It's a remarkably true recording - as noted, done in the Savoy - and beautifully captures the experience. Full disclosure: I resisted almost everything about this production in advance. And within minutes forgot my imposed reservations. It's just pure theater to me. I haven't seen a performance received like this star's since Jennifer Holiday's in an early Dreamgirls preview.

Previous: re: Ready for her Close-up: Nicole Scherzinger says Glenn sent her 'beautiful roses' for her 'Sunset' opening - tandelor 01:25 pm EDT 10/25/24
Next: re: Ready for her Close-up: Nicole Scherzinger says Glenn sent her 'beautiful roses' for her 'Sunset' opening - DistantDrumming 03:40 pm EDT 10/25/24

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