re: Any accounts of Mandy Gonzalez’s first night as Norma?
Last Edit: Delvino 09:36 pm EDT 10/24/24
Posted by: Delvino 09:36 pm EDT 10/24/24
In reply to: Any accounts of Mandy Gonzalez’s first night as Norma? - GabbyGerard 12:26 am EDT 10/23/24

I read about three on BWW. All positive and lovely, one an intermission report that was eager to share. They're all a bit buried in the Sunset reviews thread. (Not OT: I saw the show yesterday afternoon, which was Scherzinger's first performance since the opening. Although I understand that she conjures this unique magic seven times a week, it was a helluva full commitment to everything, vocally and otherwise. Whatever cynicism I had about her arrival on Broadways as one of the season's events evaporated 20 minutes into the matinee).

Previous: Any accounts of Mandy Gonzalez’s first night as Norma? - GabbyGerard 12:26 am EDT 10/23/24
Next: re: Any accounts of Mandy Gonzalez’s first night as Norma? - WaymanWong 12:31 am EDT 10/25/24

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