According to McIntyre's letter
Last Edit: waterfall 11:17 am EDT 10/14/24
Posted by: waterfall 11:15 am EDT 10/14/24
In reply to: re: Here's the story from Playbill - JDKlain 08:09 pm EDT 10/12/24

...which, incidentally, was still on his FB 5 minutes ago, McIntyre resigned because of Morgan's outburst directed at him during a zoom staff meeting held sometime after Oct 6th.

Gerry McIntyre was hired by Morgan in the interests of diversification, but when McIntyre (and Jim Kierstead, in a earlier conversation) pointed out the lack of diversity in recent productions during that zoom staff meeting, and asked how they might do better in the future, Morgan reacted in anger to the point of raising his voice.

As a result of that exchange, McIntyre immediately stepped down, and published his letter of resignation to York's Board on his FB. There are 3 sides to every story (each opposing side, and the truth), but if McIntyre's is even close to accurate, it's pretty damning.

Remember, this was a staff meeting, so there were witnesses to the exchange. If Morgan was indeed "pushed" out, it sounds like it might have been done with just cause.

Previous: re: Here's the story from Playbill - JDKlain 08:09 pm EDT 10/12/24
Next: What’s also very strange is… - ShowGoer 02:02 pm EDT 10/13/24

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