re: Audio recording of “Up From Paradise” by Arthur Miller and Stanley Silverman.
Last Edit: AlanScott 01:11 am EDT 10/10/24
Posted by: AlanScott 01:10 am EDT 10/10/24
In reply to: Audio recording of “Up From Paradise” by Arthur Miller and Stanley Silverman. - kieran 10:13 pm EDT 10/09/24

I'm very glad that audio is there, it's a great score, but even though it must come from Silverman as I believe the person who posted it is his daughter, the cast info posted with it is not fully correct. I saw both the Composers Showcase concert at the Whitney on October 2, 1981, and the Jewish Rep production two years later. The cast list that is posted is of the Jewish Rep production. The casts were mostly the same, but there were two differences. In the Whitney concert Lucifer was played by Dennis Cooley, not Walter Bobbie (who is listed on the youtube page), and Abel was played by Carl Tremon, not Lonny Price (who is listed on the youtube page). I am pretty sure that it is not Walter Bobbie's voice on this recording, and I am quite sure it is not Lonny Price's voice on this recording. Also, it sounds like Arthur Miller is onstage, which also indicates that this is the Whitney concert. In the Jewish Rep production, Miller's voice was recorded, and there was less narration than we hear on the recording. I posted a comment there about this shortly after the recording showed up, but the info has not been changed.

Previous: Audio recording of “Up From Paradise” by Arthur Miller and Stanley Silverman. - kieran 10:13 pm EDT 10/09/24
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