re: Glimmerglass/Sunday in the Park
Posted by: AC126748 11:03 am EDT 10/07/24
In reply to: Glimmerglass/Sunday in the Park - DAW60 10:40 am EDT 10/07/24

I've been going to Glimmerglass for years. They've done many musicals in the past, though typically Golden Age fair. Sunday is the most contemporary piece of musical theater I've known them to present in recent seasons.

The casts for musicals tend to be a blend of opera singers and musical theater performers. I will be curious to see what direction they choose for Sunday. Because Glimmerglass has a very large Young Artists Program, I expect a lot of the ensembles roles will be taken by apprentices.

Lodging is really only difficult in Cooperstown if you go on Hall of Fame Weekend, which is when the Baseball Hall of Fame inducts its new members. This coming summer, that's July 25-28. Whenever you go, though, expect to pay in-season prices at most places.

Previous: Glimmerglass/Sunday in the Park - DAW60 10:40 am EDT 10/07/24
Next: LONDON Last Week (Long and maybe spoilers) - sergius 08:32 am EDT 10/07/24

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