re: Non-Equity Tours with Short Stops?
Posted by: proftom 10:20 pm EDT 09/24/24
In reply to: Non-Equity Tours with Short Stops? - dlittle 05:46 pm EDT 09/24/24

So, non-eq tours do not have advance teams or sets. Let's say we're talking about one-nighters: the show comes down and everything gets torn down and packed up that night. The cast and musicians go back to the hotel and they will travel in the morning. The crew, when finished, will board their sleeper bus and travel overnight to wake up and load-in the next show. Remember that non-eq tours are predominantly bus and truck, so the schedule will be planned as such so that everything can be driven to within an allowable amount of hours. Occasionally, you'll have a "travel day" which is just an overnight hotel because you can't make it all the way in one drive.
Also keep in mind that the sets have been reduced down, because, yes, some smaller cities' venues can't hold the full show, and also for the speed of load-in and strike.
In the rare instances of a show going out non-eq off the bat, the travel and schedule will be very similar to equity tours (flying, week stops, etc) because they still have to hit the A market cities, so the schedule will be planned accordingly, giving the trucks enough time to drive to their new city, etc.
TL;DR the BOM performance you're seeing was 99% loaded in that morning and sound-checked an hour before the house opened and everyone you see and can't see is very very tired.
Writing on my phone, sorry for the run on sentences. 😇

Previous: Non-Equity Tours with Short Stops? - dlittle 05:46 pm EDT 09/24/24
Next: re: Non-Equity Tours with Short Stops? - dlittle 11:15 pm EDT 09/24/24

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