re: Well I was ease-dropping last night
Last Edit: singleticket 10:35 pm EDT 09/21/24
Posted by: singleticket 10:29 pm EDT 09/21/24
In reply to: Well I was ease-dropping last night - dramedy 08:28 pm EDT 09/21/24

Other people probably know more about this than me but there are a lot of problems with AI at the moment.

The biggest being finding the vast amounts of capital to develop it. VC companies are wary not only because AI startups are asking for trillions of dollars but it is unclear whether what they are promising can be delivered. Remember META? And VC companies like fast profits. Sam Altman has been trying to get the UAE to fund it, not exactly a funder of first resort.

Another problem is legal issues, AI is basically "Generative AI" which means it trawls the decreasingly open internet for data which it then trains on. The internet has already been putting up barriers to free access to data for some time now but now AI has made it even more of a wasteland for free data. Generative AI needs not just data but a constant flow of new data or it will begin to train on itself which causes it to hallucinate and to make shit up. (See the meme "Put Elmer's Glue on your Pizza".)

This is not to say that Generative AI isn't an important technological advance and it very well might mean the replacement of a lot of human workers in the future. We will have to see. But I feel like writers particularly in the U.S. tend to swallow the Barnum aspect of Silicon Valley hype almost whole probably because the dystopian fictional opportunities it presents are too hard to resist.

Previous: re: Well I was ease-dropping last night - jwgnewyork 05:39 pm EDT 09/22/24
Next: PAJ magazine is ending. - kieran 10:10 pm EDT 09/20/24

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