re: Try this....I did
Posted by: claploudly 03:08 pm EDT 08/28/24
In reply to: Try this.... - bwaynut 02:22 pm EDT 08/28/24

thanks, but their process on even that page is very cumbersome and unclear. I had to click all over it to make the purchase. If any of you know Aaron or his producer, please suggest to him that they simplify and clarify how to purchase the CD. We should all be supporting Aaron and Project ALS right now. In addition to Aaron, let's not forget it was ALS that took our beloved Becca Luker away from us. I miss her every day.

Previous: Thank you! - Kaoru 04:28 pm EDT 08/28/24
Next: New Musical Based on Jolie Gabor? - bythesea2007 12:04 pm EDT 08/28/24

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