re: Disappointing A DELICATE BALANCE on TCM
Posted by: AlanScott 11:23 pm EDT 08/19/24
In reply to: re: Disappointing A DELICATE BALANCE on TCM - gad90210 04:06 pm EDT 08/18/24

As far back as I can remember, TCM has sometimes shown inferior prints. Usually, this is when a movie is very obscure and has never been issued on DVD or Bluray (or sometimes never even on VHS or Laserdisc), and in all likelihood they just can't get hold of a decent print. One fairly recent example, sometime in the last year but I think at least around eight or nine months ago, was The Bachelor Party, which I had seen on television once or twice decades ago and had long been wanting to see again. For the first hour or so, the print was not good but was watchable, at least if you really wanted to watch it. Then suddenly around an hour in the quality plummeted so that it was perhaps the worst print I've ever seen of anything.

The French Line is mentioned below. I've tried to watch it once or twice because Mary McCarty is in it. The print is certainly poor but it is watchable. The movie is just terrible.

I'm trying to think of other movies they've show in poor quality prints. I know that there have been times when I've been surprised because, unlike The Bachelor Party or The French Line, they've been films that are available on DVD or Bluray. But some that have never to may knowledge been available on DVD or Bluray or even Laserdisc or VHS have included the film version of Bill Naughton’s Spring and Port Wine, a reasonably watchable but not terribly good print clearly shown at the wrong aspect ratio, and one they’ve shown a couple of times, the 1930 film version of Outward Bound, watchable given its age and obscurity but not terribly good.

Every once in a while, the synch for a movie will be off, sometimes way off. This happened last year with The Snake Pit.

And as with Spring and Port Wine, they sometimes show films at the wrong aspect ratio. After having shown it several times at the correct aspect ratio, they once showed The Matchmaker at 4:3. And they once did the reverse, with Rene Clair's It Happened Tomorrow, which should have been at 4:3 but they showed it widescreen.

Anyway, I'm glad that I managed to get three film versions of stage plays in there. :)

Previous: re: Disappointing A DELICATE BALANCE on TCM - AlanScott 01:22 am EDT 08/24/24
Next: If it was The French Line, it may never look good... - thtrgoer 12:48 am EDT 08/19/24

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