Last day for Purlie Victorious streaming (with spoilers about the final live performance)
Last Edit: mikem 11:36 am EDT 07/19/24
Posted by: mikem 11:36 am EDT 07/19/24

Today is the last day for the PBS Purlie Victorious streaming. (It may be longer if you are a member.)

(spoilers for the show)

I watched it last night, and I also saw the final performance, which I don't think I talked about at the time. At the final performance, on Kara Young's initial entrance, I thought, "She is sick. Really, really sick." It was so bad that I was thinking that she wouldn't be here today if it hadn't been the last performance. Her voice was MUCH more raspy than it is in the PBS version, although it got much better after her first exit. After watching the streaming, though, maybe she wasn't sick and just had accumulated raspiness over the run of the show. They still did the kissing, which maybe they wouldn't have done if she had a cold aggravating the raspiness.

I think the show came across much better in person than on PBS. Parts of it are very much a farce that's supposed to be silly and not very realistic, and I think farce doesn't always translate to the screen. I also think some of the camera work didn't do them any favors, like with the camera bouncing around during the part where Purlie is trying to escape in the first act so you couldn't follow the action. I thought Kara Young was fantastic in person. She's very charismatic, and also very likeable, so your eye gets drawn to her and you also root for her. She has a great career ahead of her.

Billy Eugene Jones and Jay O Sanders were standouts, but the whole cast was outstanding at the final performance. During the final "I find in being black a thing of beauty" speech where he's talking directly to the audience, Leslie Odom Jr got extremely choked up, and Heather Alicia Simms started tearing up at his words. I think this show really meant a lot to the cast, and it came through in their performances.

After the curtain calls, Kenny Leon came on stage. He and Odom were surprised by I think a Congressman and a State Senator, who gave Odom a proclamation from the State of New York and Leon one from Congress recognizing them and the show and proclaiming the day to be "Purlie Victorious Day" in both cases. As you can imagine, both Leon and Odom were very visibly moved. I'm linking the curtain call and presentation of the proclamations.

The streaming version is definitely worse (although Odom was talking way too fast at the beginning in the live performance also). I think the exaggeration of farce doesn't work well on camera here.

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