re: No, it doesn't
Last Edit: Chromolume 02:00 pm EDT 07/14/24
Posted by: Chromolume 01:57 pm EDT 07/14/24
In reply to: re: No, it doesn't - huskyital 01:33 pm EDT 07/14/24

Slightly tangential, but - try "Will-a-Mania" in the now permanently and inferior transposed/reworked arrangement done for marla maples. Even in this short vid, she just doesn't have the spark/presence that Cady Huffman had (and the much lower key doesn't help. I'm not against transposing, but this key drags things down IMO).
Link marl-a-mania?

Previous: re: No, it doesn't - huskyital 01:33 pm EDT 07/14/24
Next: TB REGIONAL REVIEW: "MY HEART SAYS GO" in ST. LOUIS - T.B._Admin. 09:32 am EDT 07/14/24

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