Your local library probably still have hard copies.
Posted by: dramedy 06:32 pm EDT 07/13/24
In reply to: Is there any way to see the hard copy of the Sunday Times online? - portenopete 05:44 pm EDT 07/13/24

I used to go to the library when I didn’t want to play $5-7 dollars for it at newsstand in San Fran. I wouldn’t even know where to buy a hard copy today. And the libraries might not have them anymore. There are about 5 people in my building (of 200 units) that get nytimes or wallSJ. I even joked about that on Thursday when one of the staff was picking them up from the entrance to put on the table. I did once on the second Monday in September look through it before it was claimed by the owner—tsk tsk

Previous: re: Is there any way to see the hard copy of the Sunday Times online? - comedywest 06:38 pm EDT 07/13/24
Next: I think you can only view the front-page layout (nm) - MockingbirdGirl 05:55 pm EDT 07/13/24

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