Last Edit: bway1430 08:03 am EDT 07/11/24
Posted by: bway1430 07:49 am EDT 07/11/24
In reply to: re: CATS - THE JELLICLE BALL - NewtonUK 07:26 am EDT 07/11/24

I think you are minimizing the effect the newly revised CATS is having on its audiences and that makes a difference here.

Whereas "Fishlahoma" took a time-honoured classic that normally sends audiences out on air and humming a happy tune into a piece that left theatregoers feeling disturbed and anything but happy, CATS: The Jellicle Ball has taken a show long considered to a punchline and weightless in terms of its content and made it profound, of-the-moment and frankly a work of art.

FISHLAHOMA was a reimagining of the original musical material but hardly a celebration of it. CATS: The Jellicle Ball celebrates the original and those who reconceived it refused to do anything that would mock or buy into the idea that show deserved to be a punchline.

So in a way, I think the poster here was half-right. The OKLAHOMA revision may not have trashed the original material per se, but it did trash the audience experience and expectations one might have given the show's history as a classic with a joyous finale and a wedding to boot.

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