re: With great sadness ... Talkin' Broadway reviewer and ATC contributor Bob Rendell has passed away
Posted by: WaymanWong 10:29 pm EDT 07/01/24
In reply to: With great sadness ... Talkin' Broadway reviewer and ATC contributor Bob Rendell has passed away - Ann 07:52 pm EDT 07/01/24

Thank you for sharing this beautiful tribute to Bob's life. And my heartfelt condolences to his family and friends.

Previous: re: With great sadness ... Talkin' Broadway reviewer and ATC contributor Bob Rendell has passed away - mlop 11:03 pm EDT 07/01/24
Next: re: With great sadness ... Talkin' Broadway reviewer and ATC contributor Bob Rendell has passed away - HadriansMall 10:04 pm EDT 07/01/24

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