re: RIP Tony Mordente
Posted by: bwaynut 01:30 pm EDT 06/14/24
In reply to: RIP Tony Mordente - mlop 12:32 pm EDT 06/14/24

Yes, I just noticed this myself. How terribly sad! Back in the early 90s, when "Kiss of the Spiderwoman," was premiering in London (before coming to Broadway), I had the extreme good fortune to meet Miss Rivera after a performance. At the stage door, the attendant took me and my companion up the backstage stairs to Ms. Rivera's dressing room. She could not have been kinder, nicer, or more engaging. I'm sure we were there 15-20 minutes. Before leaving, Chita asked us if we'd like to have our photo taken with her. Would we? Duh !! Her sister, Carmen, was visiting and volunteered to snap the shot of the three of us! It is one of most cherished possessions of a memory that will never fade! God bless and sustain you, Lisa -- after what you have endured these last months! RIP, Mr. Mordente.
Link Tony Mordente

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