Just got back from Merrily!!!
Posted by: fredfrankg (fredfrankg427@gmail.com) 10:56 pm EDT 03/26/24
In reply to: Merrily cast in tonight? - fredfrankg 01:54 pm EDT 03/26/24

Firstly, thanks to all who responded to my inquiry. As it turns out, all three were in, and boy, was I happy. Both individually and together, they are absolutely stellar. And the score remains the best written since it was first produced, brilliantly played and sung. Friedman's direction was equally fine.
Keep the (deserved) revivals coming; the great shows need to be seen by audiences, and should also inspire the next generation(s) of composers, lyricists, and playwrights. G'night!

Previous: Merrily cast in tonight? - fredfrankg 01:54 pm EDT 03/26/24
Next: By the way, today is Groff’s birthday. nm - kieran 06:26 pm EDT 03/26/24

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