re: Does DEAD OUTLAW Sell In-Person Rush?
Posted by: ilovenewyorktheater 01:45 pm EDT 03/20/24
In reply to: Does DEAD OUTLAW Sell In-Person Rush? - mamaleh 12:50 pm EDT 03/20/24

I actually won a Rush ticket via the Today Tix app so it is possible. Lately I have been having good luck with the Rush tix and lottery tix on Today Tix. I have gotten Rush tix to three shows and one Lottery ticket to MJ recently. Don't give up.

Previous: Does DEAD OUTLAW Sell In-Person Rush? - mamaleh 12:50 pm EDT 03/20/24
Next: re: Does DEAD OUTLAW Sell In-Person Rush? - alvy_singer 02:32 pm EDT 03/21/24

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