re: Dermot Mulroney's training (re: the reports in this thread have been kind... even generous...)
Posted by: Chazwaza 06:15 pm EST 02/23/24
In reply to: Dermot Mulroney's training (re: the reports in this thread have been kind... even generous...) - Marlo*Manners 01:10 pm EST 02/23/24

Thank you for the additional info. I was working of the info he posted, that this show was his first time being paid for stage work. Just building on/repeating what you said, as someone who's been acting professionally for the last nearly 40 years... theater training or not, if you're a working actor, let alone a movie star, and in 38 years you don't do a single professional theater piece, you're likely to have lost all or most of whatever stage-specific skill and comfort you had easily accessible, and need at least a skilled director and a few weeks of rehearsal to get you where you need to be to be the major lead of a big musical.

I was at performance #2, which was surely at least the 3rd time the entire show had been run, and halfway into the run. I'm sorry but if by the matinee after the first audience performance, which would be after at least one full dress run, you're still not able to do even half way the performance you need, then this is not someone who should have been cast or accepted the offer to play it, all best intentions and worthwhile dreams aside.

I know I don't have to say to this you specifically, but I'll still say that in a FOUR performance run, there is absolutely no time to get more comfortable with the lines, songs and blocking when the base level he was starting at was what I saw or worse (as I heard reported from the night before). They charged quite a lot, especially for LA theater, for this show, I'm sure his presence as a movie star doing the lead role was part of the price tag they asked... there is *absolutely no excuse and no forgiveness* for me when it comes to this. His performance was like watching a drunk man try it and/or watching the first stumble through, but without enough rehearsal for even that.

Again, he is a winning actor on screen -- but his casting and performance rendered this entire production an offensive waste of resources for the theater company and the audience. As I said before it could have been SOO much better SOO easily.

My rant is done, for now. Thank you Lady Barrington for your insightful factual additions about the musical, always lovely to hear you chime in. (that reads sarcastic but it isn't)

Previous: Dermot Mulroney's training (re: the reports in this thread have been kind... even generous...) - Marlo*Manners 01:10 pm EST 02/23/24
Next: In support of MACK & MABEL and the All Roads Theatre Company - reed23 08:10 am EST 02/24/24

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