i don't know why PBS didn't film Wolfe's original production, and I'm sure no one will film this
Posted by: Chazwaza 04:54 pm EST 02/22/24
In reply to: It’s too bad this can’t be streamed - dramedy 03:54 pm EST 02/22/24

It is absolutely baffling to me that PBS never filmed Jelly's Last Jam... or Wolfe's Caroline or Change... or Wolfe's Shuffle Along... or his Angels in America...

he is one of the most talented directors (and writers) working in theater in the last 40 years, and he's done some of the most important and historically important things that would be exactly the kind of thing PBS and their audience would be prime for. And every time I think they'll jump on the next big one. And then they don't.

And where is HBO and Showtime, who sometimes films theater stuff of note?

I'm not sure anything from Encores has ever been filmed for PBS or for other broadcast or DVD release... so I'm sure this won't be.

Previous: It’s too bad this can’t be streamed - dramedy 03:54 pm EST 02/22/24
Next: They gave us the next best thing - Singapore/Fling 06:30 pm EST 02/22/24

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