re: Elaine Stritch: At Liberty
Posted by: KingSpeed 10:36 am EST 02/22/24
In reply to: re: Elaine Stritch: At Liberty - IvyLeagueDropout 06:12 am EST 02/22/24

Even you said “play or musical” in your first post. So you weren’t sure what you thought it was. And it wasn’t performed by another actress. It was a one woman show about the performer’s life. It was in the appropriate category.

Previous: re: Elaine Stritch: At Liberty - IvyLeagueDropout 06:12 am EST 02/22/24
Next: re: Elaine Stritch: At Liberty - Stritch Discovering Her Backside - pecansforall 11:55 am EST 02/21/24

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