re: the reports in this thread have been kind... even generous...
Posted by: taplady 11:54 pm EST 02/21/24
In reply to: the reports in this thread have been kind... even generous... - Chazwaza 07:59 pm EST 02/21/24

An excellent assessment of an evening with good intentions but many misfires. This is a new company funded by friends to provide themselves working opportunities in a harsh climate. Nothing wrong with that at all but often you do not have honest feedback during the process which is always dangerous. These kinds of situations can easily become very insular. I'm curious how they will try to fund their next goal. I know very little about Go Fund Me campaigns but I guess one can do as many as they want, hoping that people will still donate.

Previous: re: the reports in this thread have been kind... even generous... - PlayWiz 12:52 am EST 02/22/24
Next: re: MACK AND MABEL El Portal Theatre in Los Angeles - FinalPerformance 04:27 pm EST 02/19/24

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