Oh Mary vs patriots
Last Edit: dramedy 11:45 am EST 02/21/24
Posted by: dramedy 11:44 am EST 02/21/24

I know, very different shows. Unfortunately, I don’t think I can get out of days of wine and roses at 5 to get to lortel theater by 530 on a Sunday. And corruption is 3 hours so that eliminated sat mat at 5. So I’m stuck with Thursday night which I was holding for patriots. Is oh Mary a not miss and can’t be duplicated regionally? I know someone on here panned patriots from London production.

Teeth is another show but if that extends into April I’m hoping playwright keeps a Sunday night show.

Previous: Will Sweeney Tour? - dlittle 04:46 pm EST 02/21/24
Next: re: Oh Mary vs patriots - pylades 07:08 pm EST 02/21/24

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