re: MACK AND MABEL Full Production in Los Angeles
Posted by: bicoastal 12:13 pm EST 02/19/24
In reply to: re: MACK AND MABEL Full Production in Los Angeles - JereNYC 11:50 am EST 02/19/24

This production included the Frank Capra "twist" which actually does have some historical fact. Capra, who knocked around a lot when he was young, worked for Sennett in 1918 as a gag writer, so he might have crossed paths with Mabel then. Capra moved on, went to work for Hal Roach, then quit working for Hal Roach when Roach wouldn't promote him to director; Sennett then hired Capra to write gags for Harry Langdon. This was 1925, long after Mabel had left Sennett. In MACK AND MABEL, Capra's name is tossed in as a "gotcha", but with a few lines, they could have made it more relevant to Mack's personal story.

Previous: Frank Capra in MACK & MABEL - reed23 06:41 pm EST 02/19/24
Next: re: MACK AND MABEL Full Production in Los Angeles - MockingbirdGirl 11:59 am EST 02/19/24

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