re: Anyone see the Frank Langella/Raul Julia Dracula?
Posted by: showtunetrivia 01:08 pm EST 02/18/24
In reply to: Anyone see the Frank Langella/Raul Julia Dracula? - bobby2 01:43 am EST 02/18/24

Saw the tour with Julia, and he seemed very much present throughout, with total command of the stage.

Along with the incredible Gorey sets and the bats, I remember howling wolves/dogs.

Laura in LA

Previous: re: Anyone see the Frank Langella/Raul Julia Dracula? - pecansforall 02:15 pm EST 02/18/24
Next: re: Anyone see the Frank Langella/Raul Julia Dracula? - Billhaven 12:20 pm EST 02/18/24

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