re: What is it Equity wants?
Last Edit: ryhog 03:16 pm EST 02/16/24
Posted by: ryhog 03:12 pm EST 02/16/24
In reply to: re: What is it Equity wants? - Guillaume 09:24 pm EST 02/15/24

I think what you are missing is that (a) there is zero promise of "residuals for many years" because there is no promise of a production coming out of the work that is being done in the present tense (statistically, many - probably most - don't), and (b) I am pretty sure AEA is not asking for "years of compensation on Day One." My sense is that they don't want to work for charity with everything above that being on spec.

Note, also, that authors receive (usually fairly substantial) [non-refundable] advances before this stage, and the same can be true of others (perhaps especially directors).

Previous: re: What is it Equity wants? - Guillaume 09:24 pm EST 02/15/24
Next: re: What is it Equity wants? - JereNYC 11:03 am EST 02/16/24

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