re: Same
Posted by: den 07:59 pm EST 02/15/24
In reply to: Same - Ann 10:02 am EST 02/15/24

Ann, after a long phone conversation with Fandango Customer Service (which basically got me nowhere), I contacted Fandango customer service via email. After several back and forth emails (they explaining why they don’t refund convenience fees, I explaining why in this case they really must), they finally refunded the convenience fee to my credit card.

Previous: Same - Ann 10:02 am EST 02/15/24
Next: re: Same - Ann 09:25 pm EST 02/15/24
  • re: Same - Ann 09:25 pm EST 02/15/24
  • re: Same - Chromolume 08:53 pm EST 02/15/24

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