you are in good company
Last Edit: dramedy 02:05 pm EST 02/13/24
Posted by: dramedy 02:03 pm EST 02/13/24
In reply to: re: THE CONNECTOR and WHITE GIRL IN DANGER original cast recordings - MichaelRJackson 01:54 pm EST 02/13/24

R&H, Sondheim, K&E and many others have had huge hits and complete misfires. I'm with Billhaven that White Girls was a complete misfire. But A Strange Loop was worthy of the praise and I did see it twice (not comps) on broadway--not something I do often to use two precious slots on my broadway trips.

And clearly your response also hints (well more than a hint) that you have a new work to be unveiled very soon.

Previous: re: THE CONNECTOR and WHITE GIRL IN DANGER original cast recordings - Billhaven 02:47 pm EST 02/13/24
Next: re: you are in good company - MichaelRJackson 02:24 pm EST 02/13/24

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