Posted by: showtunetrivia 01:05 pm EST 02/13/24
In reply to: re: NEW BOOK REVIEW: "MARY & ETHEL... AND MIKEY WHO?" - Thom915 11:10 am EST 02/13/24

No credit needed; our books are very similar in theme, but created independently.

Back in the eighties, my husband, Harry Turtledove, did a series of stories set in a world in which Homo erectus survived with various megafauna in the Americas. He was inspired by a Stephen Jay Gould quote about how Homo sapiens might have treated Australopithicus, had our distant relatives survived. Another sf writer, our friend, Roger MacBride Allen, saw the same quote and wrote a novel with a similar premise. At roughly the same time, another colleague, Michael Bishop, wrote a novel with the same notion—though not directly inspired by the Gould quote.

It’s not quite two musical WILD PARTIES, but all three writers brilliantly approached the subject matter, albeit in different ways.

I would say any Chatterati that liked my BROADWAY REVIVAL are likely going to have fun with Stephen Cole’s book. (And, uh, vice versa.)

Laura in LA

Previous: re: NEW BOOK REVIEW: "MARY & ETHEL... AND MIKEY WHO?" - Thom915 11:10 am EST 02/13/24
Next: re: NEW BOOK REVIEW: "MARY & ETHEL... AND MIKEY WHO?" - Chromolume 09:18 pm EST 02/12/24

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