re: Spoilers: Aaron Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today
Posted by: jacobsk 10:17 am EST 02/13/24
In reply to: re: Spoilers: Aaron Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today - AlanScott 01:22 pm EST 02/12/24

I saw Annaleigh and absolutely hated her and can't listen to the CD - even though Groban was amazing. So, the casting of Sutton seems to just continue the idea of casting somewhat controversial folks in the role. Personally, I'm going to spend the good money to go see Tveit and Foster. After seeing Mattress the other week, I'm hungry for some more Sutton. She mugs much like Annaleigh, but for some reason, I don't find it grating. To each his own, I guess! :)

Previous: re: Spoilers: Aaron Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today - AlanScott 01:22 pm EST 02/12/24
Next: re: Spoilers: Aaron Tveit and Foster in SWEENEY TODD today - Roman 11:59 am EST 02/13/24

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