re: GLORY DAYS tonight
Posted by: jacobsk 10:14 am EST 02/13/24
In reply to: re: GLORY DAYS tonight - richmurphy 08:29 am EST 02/13/24

So sorry I missed this concert!

I saw it back at Signature Theater in VA and enjoyed it (I'm originally a DC boy), but like many small shows, it definitely felt more off-Broadway than Broadway. That's where I was first introduced to Andrew C. Call that I then saw continue to work healthily for years.

Previous: re: GLORY DAYS tonight - richmurphy 08:29 am EST 02/13/24
Next: Tina Fey is ticked off by 'little Broadway c**ts' on TikTok' - WaymanWong 10:56 pm EST 02/12/24

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