re: Tina Fey is ticked off by 'little Broadway c**ts' on TikTok'
Posted by: kess0078 08:09 am EST 02/13/24
In reply to: Tina Fey is ticked off by 'little Broadway c**ts' on TikTok' - WaymanWong 10:56 pm EST 02/12/24

It is important to take this clip in context of the podcast she was appearing on. (The article gives some context, thankfully.)

This segment of the podcast (I Don’t Think So, Honey) is a brief, exaggerated, VERY heightened rant about a specific topic. I don’t think Tina would have chosen the words “little Broadway c*nts” in a normal discussion - this is meant to be outrageous.

Previous: Tina Fey is ticked off by 'little Broadway c**ts' on TikTok' - WaymanWong 10:56 pm EST 02/12/24
Next: COCKTAILS WITH GEORGE AND MARTHA: Movies, Marriage and the Making of “Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf?” - MockingbirdGirl 06:30 pm EST 02/12/24

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