re: Wicked Super Bowl commercial
Last Edit: Zelgo 02:10 pm EST 02/12/24
Posted by: Zelgo 02:06 pm EST 02/12/24
In reply to: Wicked Super Bowl commercial - KingSpeed 06:48 pm EST 02/11/24

Hollywood realizes that a large portion of movie goers avoid musicals. Thus, most commercials for musicals dance around the fact that the movie is a musical.

Recently, Mean Girls, Wonka, The Color Purple, and now Wicked, were all advertised that way. Oddly, most new musicals have done pretty well--it's almost as if we're approaching a new Golden Age, but no one is allowed to acknowledge that.

The only think I disliked about the Wicked trailer is that, apparently, Elfy rifts the high note in Defying Gravity. THAT is THE money note. She needs to belt it to the heavens.

Previous: Wicked Super Bowl commercial - KingSpeed 06:48 pm EST 02/11/24
Next: re: Wicked Super Bowl commercial - Chromolume 07:29 pm EST 02/12/24

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