Tough crowd! (I thought the teaser looked thrilling and wonderful)
Posted by: GrumpyMorningBoy 12:57 pm EST 02/12/24
In reply to: Wicked Super Bowl commercial - KingSpeed 06:48 pm EST 02/11/24

For a mere teaser, it was pretty stunning just how much they showed us. Up until now, we've only had a handful of very limited stills, so this felt like a treasure trove.

I think the movie looks like a million bucks, and more importantly, it looks like a HIT film. This was a perfect amount of singing for a teaser trailer, and yeah, I do think this is like LES MIZ, in that pretty much everyone who might see this film already knows it's a musical. It's helped by the fact that yeah, "The Wizard of Oz" is also. a. musical. (Unlike the original "Mean Girls".)

Cannot wait to see what Ms. Erivo and Ms. Grande will bring to their roles, and it already seems that Michelle Yeoh was a tremendous coup!


Previous: re: Wicked Super Bowl commercial - lordofspeech 09:23 pm EST 02/12/24
Next: re: Wicked Super Bowl commercial - mikem 10:55 am EST 02/12/24

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