Posted by: Singapore/Fling 11:06 pm EST 02/11/24
In reply to: BARK OF MILLIONS Last Night - sergius 07:57 am EST 02/11/24

There was much to love about last night’s experience, and also things that could have been tighter (including sticking to the promised 4 hour limit - judy ran about 20 mines long). It’s fascinating seeing Taylor taking a more ensemble approach to the work and settling into his middle-agedness (she only wore her signature heels for about 5 minutes of the entire show), though they also seem to have abandoned rigor in the process, so the evening is really for the die hard trance heads more than those wanting a show show.

Audibility could have been better at times, but from the balcony, a good 85% of the material was legible, and when the words got lost, the energy and talent shone through. A divine evening, if not quite a transcendent one.

Previous: BARK OF MILLIONS Last Night - sergius 07:57 am EST 02/11/24
Next: re: BARK OF MILLIONS Last Night (Correction) - sergius 08:22 am EST 02/11/24

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