re: $7M for 30 second ad
Posted by: ryhog 09:39 pm EST 02/11/24
In reply to: re: $7M for 30 second ad - AnyaS 09:18 pm EST 02/11/24

I don't think either is a waste (bearing in mind, of course, that Monday Night FB costs a lot less). First of all the cross-over between football and theatre is not non-existent as Dramedy seems to think, and in this particular case the prime demographic for Wicked is, and pretty much from the beginning has been, the young daughters of the "football crowd." To me this is not close to a show that will have a hard time recouping that investment.

Previous: re: $7M for 30 second ad - AnyaS 09:18 pm EST 02/11/24
Next: If you missed it (link) - KingSpeed 07:11 pm EST 02/11/24

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