re: Wicked Super Bowl commercial
Posted by: Ann 07:07 pm EST 02/11/24
In reply to: re: Wicked Super Bowl commercial - Chromolume 06:56 pm EST 02/11/24

I couldn't name one!

I think Wicked is pretty known for all ages, but I recently was talking to a young woman, maybe mid-twenties, and she hadn't heard of Wicked or Hamilton, which kind of surprised me (the conversation started with me mentioning Tommy - of course, she didn't know that musical/album or the band The Who). It's a different world (and not just because I'm old - I knew a lot of the culture icons of my parents' era, but that's not the same anymore, for numerous reasons).

But welcome to All That Chat during the Super Bowl.

Previous: re: Wicked Super Bowl commercial - Chromolume 06:56 pm EST 02/11/24
Next: re: Wicked Super Bowl commercial - Chromolume 07:36 pm EST 02/11/24

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