re: I would've loved to have seen what they started with
Posted by: garyd 07:01 pm EST 02/10/24
In reply to: re: I would've loved to have seen what they started with - AlanScott 06:22 pm EST 02/10/24

Well, he does mention his dear friend Gary in his post. But it ain't me. I'm still here. :) I have read several posts over on FB regarding the current production and many of the views are similar to yours and many much more derogatory than yours.
On another note, I did see James in the role so it must have been in early previews...second or third. I simply don't remember which. I did not see the show again until opening night.
I have always been intrigued by the idea of the show being performed on a bare stage which, as we have heard, may have been a nascent Prince idea quickly discarded.
And finally, I have always longed to see good old Sputnik fly overhead during the rooftop scene. Contrary to the staging, binoculars were not needed. My Dad and I watched it fly over from our front yard. It seemed like nothing more than a slow moving, rather high altitude airplane. Well, a round (ish)airplane. The show poster, which hangs in my office, always reminds me of that night. I love that show poster, I sincerely wish I loved the show as well.

Previous: re: I would've loved to have seen what they started with - AlanScott 06:22 pm EST 02/10/24
Next: Thanks - rvs 08:20 pm EST 02/09/24

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