re: Harry Belafonte's daughters blast Grammys for not giving their father a special tribute
Last Edit: Roman 07:33 pm EST 02/09/24
Posted by: Roman 07:32 pm EST 02/09/24
In reply to: re: Harry Belafonte's daughters blast Grammys for not giving their father a special tribute - WaymanWong 07:22 pm EST 02/09/24

General question, here. The Hersholt isn’t considered an Oscar, is it? Despite that it’s an Oscar statuette. When counting EGOTs, for example, does the Hersholt count?

Previous: re: Harry Belafonte's daughters blast Grammys for not giving their father a special tribute - WaymanWong 07:22 pm EST 02/09/24
Next: re: Harry Belafonte's daughters blast Grammys for not giving their father a special tribute - WaymanWong 07:58 pm EST 02/09/24

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