re: This was reported on Facebook re Isabel Keating’s first “Doubt” performance.
Posted by: donnyboy 07:13 pm EST 02/09/24
In reply to: re: This was reported on Facebook re Isabel Keating’s first “Doubt” performance. - portenopete 11:11 am EST 02/09/24

Rehearsals for the Grapes of Wrath don't begin until May. It runs mid-July to mid-September. So in theory the dates could have worked, though I suspect Cherry Jones has a pretty busy diary before then.

Interestingly Liev Schreiber's understudy is Chris McGarry who understudied during the original Broadway run and then played the role on tour opposite Jones.

Previous: re: This was reported on Facebook re Isabel Keating’s first “Doubt” performance. - portenopete 11:11 am EST 02/09/24
Next: re: This was reported on Facebook re Isabel Keating’s first “Doubt” performance. - Snowgrace 11:41 pm EST 02/08/24

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