Demands of contemporary musicals on actors
Last Edit: Maguire75 11:49 am EST 02/09/24
Posted by: Maguire75 11:47 am EST 02/09/24
In reply to: re: Do actors prefer specific performance days? - portenopete 11:08 am EST 02/09/24

Is not limited to vocal demands. One of the most demanding aspects, for example, at WICKED is performing on an extremed raked stage, which is very hard on the physical body 8 times a week. Shows are a lot more complicated in many different ways than they were during the golden age of musical theatre. There is also, I think, a bigger demand for leading actors to do extended PR in their off hours. Performing on Broadway or the West End, as Nicole Sherzinger said in recent interviews is "no joke."

And yes, if not overtly stated in the job description, it is generally expected that standbys and understudies learn and shadow the roles they perform - on their own - and don't receive rehearsal until after the production begins performances. This is partly because the roles they are covering are often actively changing in the rehearsal room.

Previous: re: Do actors prefer specific performance days? - den 04:12 pm EST 02/09/24
Next: re: Demands of contemporary musicals on actors - AlanScott 09:41 pm EST 02/09/24

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