re: Hearing rumors that “My Son’s a Queer” isn’t coming in
Posted by: Delvino 05:47 pm EST 02/08/24
In reply to: re: Hearing rumors that “My Son’s a Queer” isn’t coming in - schlepper 02:57 pm EST 02/08/24

Point well taken. I did notice that Wine and Roses* and Patriots were the first to pop up on my own winter-spring list. I'm likely using a unique 2021-2022 post-shutdown yardstick - With exceptions like Sweeney {with stars}, I've seen just about everything since the re-opening via TDF, though this season considerably less.

*7th row center orchestra yet

Previous: re: Hearing rumors that “My Son’s a Queer” isn’t coming in - schlepper 02:57 pm EST 02/08/24
Next: re: Hearing rumors that “My Son’s a Queer” isn’t coming in - Singapore/Fling 04:16 pm EST 02/08/24

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