re: MERRILY-- A naysayer's review
Posted by: Thom915 11:14 pm EST 02/07/24
In reply to: re: MERRILY-- A naysayer's review - Chromolume 06:02 pm EST 02/07/24

I feel like Jonathan Groff was born to play this role and I think he will give Brian D'Arcy James or anyone else a run for their money at Tony time. I foound the three leads to have such chemistry together and to fit their roles soperfectly that for the first time this show began to work for me, not comletely perhaps but enough that I was able to accept the story on its terms and enjoy it.

Previous: re: MERRILY-- A naysayer's review - Chromolume 06:02 pm EST 02/07/24
Next: re: MERRILY-- A naysayer's review - stryker94109 03:25 pm EST 02/07/24

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