re: The Wiz--why is toto not in it
Posted by: pecansforall 10:33 pm EST 02/07/24
In reply to: The Wiz--why is toto not in it - dramedy 02:00 pm EST 02/07/24

The current tour of THE WIZ is missing a great marketing opportunity by not having a dog in the show. The current tour of ANNIE has a dog (and an understudy dog) and the dog got hugely promoted on the show's social media as well as the venue's social media. This expands the exposure of the show to animal lovers who might not necessarily have had ANNIE on their radar. There were live broadcasts on the news showing "Sandy" visiting the local animal shelters and the SPCA along with a children's hospital. Audiences were encouraged to bring a bag of dog food to the shows that would then be given to the local animal shelters. The night I attended the show the donations were overflowing all of the bins in the lobby and when I asked an usher about it they said that the donations have been a huge success.

Something ironically funny happened after the show. As I was making my way to my car I spotted "Sandy" on a leash anxiously head out of the stage door with his handler and he, without any stage fright whatsoever, did a most unleading man like poop on the grass behind the theatre. Hi-ho, the glamorous life!

Previous: re: The Wiz--why is toto not in it - Ann 07:08 am EST 02/08/24
Next: re: The Wiz--why is toto not in it - schlepper 02:59 pm EST 02/08/24

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